Master reboot rewiew
Master reboot rewiew

You’re given a chance to journey through various major events within your life that throughout the game will begin to shed some light on who you are as well as how the Soul Cloud came into being. Master Reboot begins as you enter into the Soul Cloud. The Soul Cloud promises a chance to store all of your precious memories in a place where they’ll never be lost. In the future a new technology has formed that allows the memories and souls of those both alive and dead to be stored in a server in an attempt to render death obsolete.

master reboot rewiew

While Master Reboot doesn’t always capture that sense of dread it does consistently deliver a very bizarre and memorable trip through distorted memories of your past. I started running everywhere trying to find an exit as soon as possible because I couldn’t stand to be in that place any longer. In fact there’s a brief section in Master Reboot in which the sheer atmosphere of the place I was in was so unsettling that panic started to set in. So playing Outlast and Master Reboot within weeks of each other if nothing else has been fascinating in that both are so radically different while still aiming to be unsettling. Personally I’m a fan of things that are far more subtle in their approach of terrifying you, but I also dig movies that are more in your face.

master reboot rewiew master reboot rewiew

One thing I love most about marathoning horror movies throughout all of October is seeing the various approaches to horror that different directors take. Posted by Curtis H on March 10th, 2014 | 1 Comment | Tags: Master Reboot

Master reboot rewiew